Saturday, June 21, 2014

Eric Kors Holdings Given Overweight Tingkat at JPMorgan Chase & Company. (KORS)

michael kors purses Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS)'s stock had its "overweight" rating restated by investment industry analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Company. in a note issued to funds on Friday. They currently have a $104. 00 target price on the stock market, up from their previous target tariff of $100. 00. JPMorgan Chase along with Co. 's price target indicate a potential upside of 16. 38% from the stock's previous close.

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A number of analysts have also recently weighed throughout on KORS. Analysts at Asking for Suisse initiated coverage on gives of michael kors purse Holdings the research note on Tuesday, 06 10th. They set an "outperform" rating and a $107. 00 reasonable price target on the stock. Separately, industry analysts at Zacks reiterated an "outperform" rating on shares of Eric Kors Holdings in a research mention on Thursday, June 5th. Now they have a $103. 00 price concentrate on the stock. Finally, analysts every Janney Montgomery Scott raised those price target on shares amongst Michael Kors Holdings from $121. 00 to $122. 00 the research note on Thursday, May possibly well 29th. They now have a "buy" credit report scoring on the stock. One equities study analyst has rated the stock market with a sell rating, five have definitely issued a hold rating, 14 have assigned a buy credit report scoring and one has given a strong look for rating to the stock. The company generally has a consensus rating of "Buy" and an average target price of $105. 63.

Shares of Michael Kors Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) traded within 0. 60% during mid-day trading options on Friday, hitting $88. 825. The stock had a trading level of 1, 299, 025 shares. Eric Kors Holdings has a 1-year a lower of $56. 15 and a 12 months high of $101. 04. The stock's 50-day moving average is $93. 30 and its 200-day moving common is $89. 76. The company capabilities a market cap of $18. 088 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio amongst 27. 75. Michael Kors Comité also was the target of some kind of unusual options trading activity on The following thursday. Stock investors purchased 12, 006 put options on the company. This method represents an increase of approximately 103% in comparison with the average volume of 5, 908 build options.

Michael Kors Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, May possibly well 28th. The company reported $0. 79 EPS for the quarter, beating its Thomson Reuters consensus estimate amongst $0. 68 by $0. $18. The company had revenue of $917. 50 million for the quarter, in comparison with the consensus estimate of $816. 1951 million. During the same quarter in a prior year, the company posted $0. 50 earnings per share. Unquestionably the company's quarterly revenue was forward 53. 6% on a year-over-year ensure that. On average, analysts predict that Eric Kors Holdings will post $3. 97 earnings per share for a particular current fiscal year.

Michael Kors Holdings Limited is a global type brand. The Company designs, materials as craftsmanship with a jet-set aesthetic in which it combines stylish elegance and a classy attitude.

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