Monday, May 4, 2015

Ineffable love and longing, science and technology as you pass

You mention the "Science and technology" is, you might think of "sophisticated" and "intelligent", "life-changing" these descriptions, you may also find it is often boring, cold, well, scientific romance factor, it hung sometimes like a paper book, you could pass the love express thoughts ... ...

Designer Daniel Sher produce series of works "the unnameable" (saying things that can't be said), so that people maintained a long distance relationship, to be used in new ways to express their feelings and thoughts.

Alexander McQueen iPhone 5 5s Case Snake

First of all, please enjoy this video full of love:

Watching videos is a joy and a feeling of warmth? So let us to know more about these beautiful designs!

1, I'm with you (with you)

This group of works imitating a person's heartbeat. When you touch one of the pineapple-shaped ball as far away as lovers on the other side you can feel the beating of another sphere, like holding your pure heart.

2, Sending a Kiss (to kiss you) Alexander Mcqueen iPhone 5 case

This group of works is a combination of flowers and butterflies. Where the flowers in a glass device is equipped with a microphone, when received by the microphone when someone is blowing towards it, messages of love to another glass butterflies, flapping their wings so that it gently, to take in response.

3, Cheer up (joy)

This works by using a windmill and bubble element. When a couple's party against the windmills blow, the TA were somewhere there will be bubbles out of the House. You blowing windmill, I chased bubbles, couple seemed to have returned to the joy of childhood, miles also can play together.

[via] Alexander Mcqueen iPhone 5 case

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